Bac-stop – Cleaning and disinfecting spray for earphones and tourguide receivers


 18.00 83.00 Net value

Bac-stop – Long-term disinfection of tourguide headphones and receivers – 1% solution.

Frequently used earphones or receivers can be a hotbed of many bacteria, fungi, or even viruses or parasites. Take care of your clients’ safety by giving them a guarantee of application of appropriate measures concerning your tour guide systems’ hygiene!

The Bacoban formula used in the spray effectively works against: bacteria, fungi, viruses (hepatitis B and C, HIV, infl uenza including H5N1and H1N1, rotaviruses and adenoviruses).

Composition: 100 g solution contains: benzalkonium chloride 0,26 g, sodium pyrithione 0,025g, polycondenstaes, perfume substances, purifi ed water.

Directions for use: Lay the headphones or receivers flat on the table. Spray the product over the equipment at a distance of about 20 cm. At the end, gently wipe with a cloth. The preparation creates an invisible coating that protects up to 10 days.

SKU: N/A Category:


500 ml, 5000 ml