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mGuide GST G2 – HoReCa intercom | additional radio for EQS-4, SKI-1, VELO-1 sets

mGuide GST G2 pocket intercom. A personal radio unit for HoReCa employees: waiters, staff, housekeeping and security.

 35.00 Net value

mGuide GST is a wireless communication system to simplify communication and ease work organisation within the HoReCa industry.

mGuide GST will e. g. aid communication between:

  • the kitchen or servers and the waiting staff at the restaurant.
  • waiters and the backlot e. g. during special events.
  • the head waiter and the personnel when handling catering or events.
  • the hotel reception and the cleaning personnel or security.

The mGuide G1 radio unit is located in the kitchen, where the meals are served, functioning as a waiter coordination centre. The kitchen aid handling the spot where food is given out may notify the waiters, through the radio unit microphone, that an order is waiting to be picked up. The PTT button, initiating the transmission, can be actuated by a special foot pedal PTT (FS-01 – PTT food pedal for the SM-01) without the use of hands, which may be busy with other work.
The waiters in turn, equipped with pocket G2 radio units with a discrete headset, may immediately order drinks at the bar or confirm the will to pick up the food given out.

At a hotel, the mGuide GST set may also be used to coordinate the work of the housekeeping team. As soon as a guest would vacate their room, an employee could check the condition of the room and mini-bar, reporting to the reception desk via their pocket G2 radio unit.

During special events, banquets or open-air engagements, GST radio units, in any configuration of G1 and G2 units, may be used to coordinate the work of the catering team, the security service, the lights or the people handling the event scenario.

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